Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What does the registration fee pay for?
The registration fee pays for umpires, field rental to the City of Aurora, Little League insurance, hats, equipment and field maintenance. The league does not profit from player registration fees. League income comes from concessions and donations.
What do I need to provide for my player?
Players provide their own gloves, cleats, pants, socks, belts, batting gloves (optional), bats (optional), equipment bags (optional) and cups for male players.
Does the league provide bats and batting helmets?
Yes, the league provides bats and batting helmets. Players are welcome to provide their own bats and helmets. Please visit to ensure your bat is legal for little league play.
Why is there a Concessions volunteer fee?
Arapahoe Little League is run entirely by volunteers. We do not employ any paid staff other than umpires. In order for the league to run successfully and ensure a positive experience for all players we ask family to volunteer. Volunteer opportunities include working in concessions, changing trash, scoreboard, scorebook, pitch count, coaching, assistant coaching, team mom, board member, etc. For more information about volunteering with Arapahoe Little League, please click on the volunteer tab on our website.
Can I choose my player’s coach?
T-ball players may request a particular coach. All other division teams are drafted after assessments each year. There is no guarantee that a player will be drafted by a specific coach.
Can my child play up to the next age division?
Players who are interested in playing up to the next division should inform coaches at assessment check-in, in order to ensure they are assessed for the correct division. Assessing to play up a division does not guarantee that a player will play up. Coaches will evaluate player skills at assessments. During all-star tournaments, players MUST meet standard age requirements in each division. If a player played up a division during the regular season and that player is selected for all-stars, that player must play in his or her correct age division. For example, an 8 year who plays up to the major/minor division is not eligible to play on the 9U or 10U All-Star teams.
I live outside Arapahoe Little League’s Boundaries. Can my child still play baseball/softball with Arapahoe Little League?
With T-Ball, your child can play with us, regardless of location. Unfortunately, Little League rules do not allow us to accept players from outside our boundaries without an approved waiver from Little League because there are other little league baseball programs available in our area. The only exception to this rule would be if your location does not offer Little League. Please inquire within should this be your situation.
Can I bring my whole team to Arapahoe to play together?
To ensure that all teams are competitive, and the season is fun for all participants, Arapahoe Little League drafts all teams following the guidelines provided by Little League at the start of each season. We do not accept pre-selected teams.
I am considering coaching for Arapahoe Little League. Is my child guaranteed to play on my team?
Yes. As a coach, it is your option to coach the team your child is drafted to according to the guidelines written by Little League.
I have more than one child in the same division. Will they be on the same team?
Yes. Brothers/Sisters will be placed on the same team. We cannot make the same guarantees with neighbors, cousins or other relatives.
Are all games played at Arapahoe Little League fields?
All T-ball and Farm games are played at Arapahoe Little League fields. Major/Minor, 50/70 (intermediates), Junior and Senior League baseball and softball divisions usually require traveling to other fields for interleague play. Approximately 50% of games for these divisions are played at Arapahoe Little League fields.
Why do some games begin before opening day?
We attempt to work with The City of Aurora each year to allow us access to the fields as early into May as possible. Games begin on a Monday to ensure we play as many games as possible during the regular season. Opening Day is scheduled the following Friday Night to allow as many players, and family members of those players as possible to attend.
Will my child receive a trophy at the end of the regular season?
T-ball players will all receive a participation award. All other divisions will participate in a playoff tournament at the end of which trophies are awarded to the top team(s) in each division. Depending on the number of teams in each division, 1st, 2nd and 3rd place trophies may be awarded.
When is the last date I can get a refund?
There are no refunds given out once the assessment process has begun. We do not give out refunds based on players not getting on the teams they want.
Updated 2-2024