News Detail


Nov, 2022

Next Board Meeting 11/5

Parents, Players, Coaches and Volunteers,

Arapahoe Little League Board will have its next Board Meeting on Saturday, November 5 at 5 p.m. This will be located at the Peace with Christ Church on 3290 S Tower Rd in Aurora.

Come join the crew to hear the agenda items from the meeting and also an opportunity to voice anything you'd like to bring up. We are looking for two additional board members for the 2023 season. Please see below the positions and responsibilities for each one: 

Fundraising Coordinator
Duties include: 
Solicits and secures local sponsorships to support league operations.
- Collects and reviews sponsorship and fundraising opportunities.
- Organizes and implements approved league fundraising activities.
- Coordinates participation in fundraising activities.
- Maintains records of monies secured through sponsorship and fundraising initiatives.

Umpire Coordinator
Duties include: 
- Serves as coordinator of and advises the league President on the league umpire program
- Responsible for recommending umpires to the league President for appointment to the league umpire roster
- Recruiting and retaining volunteer umpires
- Establishing a league umpire training program consistent with Little League® guidelines
- Coordinating and assisting with conducting umpire clinics at league and district level
- Communicating rule changes to league umpires
- Scheduling league umpires for regular season games
- Evaluating league umpires using established guidelines to maintain program integrity

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